'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 90건

  1. 2014.01.18 NEX-6과 함께한 1년 남짓 동안의 산행 기록
  2. 2009.06.27 Michael Jackson - Ben
  3. 2009.05.03 Festa On Ice 2009- YuNa Kim -Gold-song by Bigmama
  4. 2009.03.22 그랑프리 파이널과 4대륙 대회에서 김연아 선수에 대한 고의적인 방해
  5. 2008.10.23 Yu-na Kim 2007 World Championship Short Program 1
  6. 2008.05.14 한밭수목원 3
  7. 2008.04.11 Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
  8. 2008.04.01 Black Coffee - All Saints 2
  9. 2008.03.29 김연아가 진정한 월드챔피언 4
  10. 2008.03.25 김연아 2008 월드 갈라 - Only Hope

NEX-6과 함께한 1년 남짓 동안의 산행 기록

카테고리 없음 2014. 1. 18. 06:28

2012년 12월에 NEX-6 영입해서 1년 2개월 사용중 입니다.

등산을 좋아하는지라 산에서 산에서만 사진을 찍게 되는데 자주 다니다보니 더 광각에 욕심이 나서 기변을 하게 되었는데

그래도 그동안 참 만족하면서 가지고 다닌지라 그간 NEX-6과 함께 갔던 산 중에서 몇군데 사진을 모아서 한번 정리해봤습니다.

2012.12.16 계방산


계방산은 오대산 국립공원 내에 있는 산으로 1500미터급으로 우리나라에서 5번째로 높은 산 입니다.

시작지점이 1000 미터 정도여서 오르막이 힘들지는 않았지만 내려올때는  길이 미끄러워서 쭉쭉 미끄러지던 기억이 납니다.






2012.12.25 덕유산


제가 산을 많이 다녀본건 아니지만 제가 가본 곳 중에서 최고의 설경은 덕유산 이었습니다.
덕유산은 두번째 였는데 처음엔 곤돌라 타고 갔었고 걸어서 올라간건 이 때가 처음 이었습니다.






2013.1.19 소백산


칼바람 하면 소백산 이더군요. 몸이 휘청휘청 할 정도로 바람이 불었습니다.

날씨도 흐리고 바람도 많이 불어서 건진 사진은 별로 없네요.




2013.2.13 북한산


정릉에 살았던지라 보국문 코스나 대성문 코스는 수십번 가봤지만 백운대는 이 때가 처음 이었습니다.
등산을 좋아하긴 하지만 고소공포증이 조금 있어서 바위산을 별로 좋아하지 않아서 였기 때문인데요.
이래 좋은 산을 바로 뒤에 놔두고 무서워서 한번도못 올라본다는게 너무 아깝다 싶어 무서운거 겨우 참으면서 올라갔다 왔습니다.



2013.3.2 오대산


흙산을 좋아하는지라 눈 녹기 전에 꼭 한번 가보고 싶어서 혼자서 훌쩍 차 끌고 다녀왔던 산입니다.
비로봉 올라가는 길이 경사도 있고 계단이 많아서 힘들었지만 상왕봉-북대사 돌아 다시 상원사로 가는 길은 참 좋았습니다.



2013.4.28 속리산


다음 날 제주도 여행이 예정되어 있던지라 무리하면 안되는거였는데 가다보니 욕심이 나서

결국 문장대-신선대-천왕봉 찍고 법주사 방면로 하산하게 되었습니다.




2013.5.1 한라산


2012년 가을에 이어서 두번째 백록담. 속리산 다녀오고 3일만에 한라산 백록담까지 오르리라고는 생각도 못했습니다.
속리산 다녀오고 다음 날 아침 제주도 와서 이틀 동안 돌아다니느라 다리가 아파서 못 올라갈거라 생각했는데...

막상 와보니 또 끝까지 가보게 되었습니다.



2013.5.12 주왕산


계곡과 폭포가 참 좋았던 주왕산.

그래도 정상에는 함 올라야지 하고올라갔는데 의외로 정상에선 전망도 없고 그저 주왕산 표지석 하나 밖에 없어서 좀 허무했던 기억이 납니다.
하지만 정상에서 내려오는 길은 전망이 참 좋았습니다.





2013.5.24 계룡산


어머니 기일 하루 전에 대전 내려와서 계룡산에 들리게 되었습니다. 남매탑-삼불봉-관음봉-동학사 방면으로 하산했는데요.
사실 첨에는 삼불봉-관음봉 사이의 자연성릉 구간은 피하고 싶었습니다만 막상 닥치면 또 가게 되더군요.
산에서는 막상 힘든 구간이 닥치면 참으면서 가게 되는데... 왜 인생에서 생기는 힘든 일들은 자꾸 피하려고만 하는지 모르겠습니다. ㅜ.ㅜ




2013.5.31 치악산


청량리에서 기차를 타고 원주역에 내려 다시 버스를 타고 가게 된 치악산. 사다리병창으로 비로봉까지 올라갔다 계곡길로 내려왔습니다.
고소공포증 때문에 암릉 구간을 참 싫어하면서도 그래도 한번 두번 자꾸 도전하게 되는 이유는 저도 잘 모르겠습니다.
치악산에 다시 가게 되지는 않을거 같아요. 너무 힘들어서... ㅋㅋㅋ 전망는 진짜 끝내줬습니다.





2013.6.9 지리산


밤 11시에 출발하는 산악회 버스에서 서너시간 눈을 붙이고 백무동에서 출발. 한신계곡-세석대피소-장터목-천왕봉에서 중산리로 하산했습니다.
새벽 5시 정도에 출발했는데 중산리로 내려오니 오후 4시더라구요. 힘들게 갔는데 천왕봉에서 사람도 많고 날씨도 안좋아서 조금은 실망했던 기억이 납니다.
몸 만들어서 다시 한번 가보고 싶네요.






2013.10.04 민둥산


두번째 민둥산. 산 이름이 민둥산이라고 해서 참 웃기다고 생각했었어요.
옛날에 화전민이 불지르고 농사짓던 곳인데 나무가 안자라고 억새만 자란다고 하네요.
능선을 바라보면서 정선아리랑과 참 어울리는 산세가 아닐까 하는 생각이 들었습니다.




2013.10.18 가야산

해인사 쪽으로 올라갔다 해인사 쪽으로 다시 내려왔습니다.
대구에서 해인사 쪽은 바로 가는 버스가 있는데다 해인사 쪽 길이 더 편하다고 해서 ^^;;;




2013.11.5 내장산


지인들과 같이 단풍관광 모드로 다녀온지라 정상까지 가지는 않았고 전망대 걸어서 올라갔다가 내장사 지나서 자연관찰로 코스 한바퀴 돌고 왔습니다. 
화려한 단풍을 보니 왜 내장산 단풍이 유명한지 알겠더군요.





2013.11.13 무등산


증심사-입석대-서석새-중봉 지나서 동화사터-증심사로 하산했습니다. 무등산 정상은 군부대가 있어서 출입금지 인지라 좀 아쉬웠습니다.
주상절리는 보통 바닷가에 있는데 산꼭대기에 있는 주상절리라 좀 신기하더군요. 옛날에는 저기가 바다였다는 얘기겠죠?





2013.12.1 소백산


지난번엔 비로봉을 갔었던지라 이번엔 죽령에서 출발해서 연화봉-제1연화봉까지 다녀오는 코스였습니다. 완

완만한 코스였지만 아이젠 끊어지고 발뒤꿈치 까지고 물이 너무 식어서 라면도 못먹고 넘어지고... 우여곡절이 많았던 날이었습니다.




2013.12.7 함백산


둘레길보다 약간 더 힘든 정도의 코스라는 말을 듣고 너무 쉽게 생각하고 갔는지 생각보다는 좀 힘들었습니다.
조금 덜 힘들게 설경을 즐길 수 있는 산이라고 생각 됩니다. 설경 말고는 볼거리가 많지는 않았습니다.





2013.12.12 덕유산


눈이 와서 날씨는 별로 였지만 설경만은 대박이었던 날이었습니다.
15일에 지인들과 덕유산 관광(!)이 예정 되어있었던 지라 사전답사 핑계로 무주구천동에서 걸어올라가서 향적봉 찍고 곤돌라 타고 하산 했습니다.



2013.12.15 덕유산


이쯤 되면 아시겠죠. 제가 가장 좋아하는 산이 덕유산 입니다. ^^
이때는 등산 안하는 지인들과 관광 모드였기 때문에 곤돌라 타고 올라가서 곤돌라 타고 내려왔습니다.
2주 전부터 일기예보 뒤져가면서 택일 했었는데 날씨가 너무 좋아서 뿌듯했습니다.






2013.12.22 태백산


태백산도 두번째 인데 이번엔 종주코스로 잡았습니다.
높이는 손꼽히게 높은 산이지만 덩어리가 큰 산은 아니라서 (실제로 소백산이 태백산보다 높이는 낮지만 덩어리는 엄청나게 큽니다) 종주라고 해도 긴 코스는 아닙니다.



산에 다니면서 나름 열심히 찍긴 하지만 가장 아쉬운 점은 내공이 모자라서 인지 사진으로 보는 것 보다는 눈으로 직접 보는게 훨씬 멋지다는 것이죠.

4년전만 해도 누가 같이 등산하자고 하면 내가 미쳤냐고 하던 사람이었는데 저도 제가 등산을 좋아하게 될줄은 꿈에도 생각 못했었습니다.
여전히 체력이 좋은 편은 아니고 고소공포증도 조금 있어서 설렁설렁 다니지만 산에 다니면서 힘든 것들을 조금씩 이겨나가는 법을 배우는거 같습니다.



Michael Jackson - Ben

음악/뮤비 2009. 6. 27. 00:43

마이클 잭슨이 죽었댄다.
한명의 전설이 이리도 갑작스럽게 가버리는구나...
보란듯이 컴백해서 사람들 코를 납작하게 만들어버리길 바랬었는데...

그의 말년의 너무 힘겨워 보였기에 더 안타깝다.
삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.


Festa On Ice 2009- YuNa Kim -Gold-song by Bigmama

Figure Skating 2009. 5. 3. 02:42

마봉춘 화면보다 이게 백배천배 낫다능~

그랑프리 파이널과 4대륙 대회에서 김연아 선수에 대한 고의적인 방해

Figure Skating 2009. 3. 22. 16:05

Intentional Impeding during Warm-up at Figure Skating[Yuna Kim]

사실 연아는 특정국가와 선수를 언급한적이 없는데...
아무래도 일본 빙상연맹이 병진 인증 하는듯...
진상 요구를 하려면 SBS에 해야 되는거 아닌가?


Yu-na Kim 2007 World Championship Short Program

Figure Skating 2008. 10. 23. 01:52


풍경/접사 2008. 5. 14. 23:34

이러다가 사진 어케 찍는지 까먹을까봐서... -ㅅ-;;;

개인출사도 무지 오랜만이고 사진 포스팅 하는 것도 무지 오랜만일세...

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love

음악/뮤비 2008. 4. 11. 22:37

영국판 어메리칸 아이돌인 X Factor 우승자인 리오나 루이스
영국판 머라이어 캐리 라고들 하더니 노래를 잘 하긴 잘하는군요.
분위기가 묘하다 싶었더니 역시나 머라이어 처럼 혼혈 입니다.
머라이어처럼 흑과 백의 경계를 넘나드는 보이스컬러를 가졌네요.

휘트니를 키워낸 클라이브 데이비스와 레코딩 계약을 했으니 제대로 키워줄듯...
영국에서는 이미 공전의 대히트를 치고 미국으로 진출해 앨범 발매를 앞두고 있는데
미국 첫싱글인 Bleeding Love가 빌보트 싱글 차트 1위를 기록했습니다.

4월 19일자 차트에선 2위에 머물고 있지만 (머라이어 캐리의 Touch my body 2주 1위)
에어플레이가 꾸준히 오르고 있어 다음주엔 다시 1위를 차지할것으로 예상됩니다.


Black Coffee - All Saints

음악/뮤비 2008. 4. 1. 00:17

스파이스걸스와 비슷한 시기에 나온 걸그룹이지만
하는 음악이나 언론에 비춰지는 모습은 상당히 달랐던 All Saints
그들의 두번째 앨범인 Saints & Sinners 의 첫싱글 Black Coffee

마돈나의 성공적인 재기작 'Ray of light' 앨범의 프로듀서인 William Orbit 이 프로듀스한 곡
얘네들 멤버간 불화 때문에 해체한걸로 알고 있는데
그 이후로의 소식은 감감 무소식  2006년에 재결합 했답니다~ (립흘 감솨~)

이 노래 참 좋았었지...

Black Coffee

Night Swimming
Beach walking
Always silent
Never talking
Then you call my name
And I know inside I love you

Sail away
I miss you more
Until you see the shore
There I will be waiting

Each moment is new
And breeds a moment
Each moment is cool
And breeds a moment

I wouldn't wanna be
Anywhere else but... here
I wouldn't wanna change
Anything at all
(Anything oh I..)

I wouldn't wanna take
Everything out on... you
Though I know I do
(Although I know I do)
Everytime I fall

Day dreaming
Chain smoking
Always laughin
Always jokin
I remain the same
Did I tell you that I love you

Brush your teeth
And pour a cup of black coffee out
I love to watch you do that every day
The little things that you do

Each moment is new
And breeds a moment
Each moment is cool
And breeds a moment

I wouldn't wanna be
Anywhere else but... here
I wouldn't wanna change
Anything at all
(Anything oh I..)

I wouldn't wanna take
Everything out on... you
Though I know I do
(Although I know I do)
Everytime I fall

Each moment is cool
And breeds a moment

I wouldn't wanna be
Anywhere else but... here
I wouldn't wanna change
Anything at all
(Anything oh I..)

I wouldn't wanna take
Everything out on... you
Though I know I do
(Although I know I do)
Everytime I fall
(Everytime I fall)
(Everytime I fall)

I wouldn't wanna be
Anywhere else but... here
(Anywhere but here)
I wouldnt wanna change
(I wouldnt wanna change)
Anything at all
(Anything oh I..)

I wouldn't wanna take
Everything out on... you
Though I know I do
(Although I know I do)
Everytime I fall

Nice women
Beach walking
Always silent
Never talking
Then you call my name
And I know inside I love you

Sail away
I miss you more
Until you see the shore
There I will be waiting


김연아가 진정한 월드챔피언

리뷰/여행기/기타 2008. 3. 29. 04:31

Lights and Shadows at the Scandinavium

Sonia Bianchetti

The 2008 World Figure Skating Championships were held in Gothenburg, Sweden, in the wonderful Scandinavium. The arena was packed every day with an enthusiastic crowd and the atmosphere for the skaters could not be better.

To attend all events was an exhausting endurance challenge. The first day we started with 53 Ladies Short Programs and ended with 20 Pairs’ Free Skating. Fourteen hours in a row in the arena are a nightmare even for the most avid fan! Not to speak of the standard of these Ladies half of whom would not even earn as many points as a Novice skater. Perhaps the ISU should start to reconsider an old idea that was strongly supported until some years ago by the Figure Skating Technical Committee, to use the European Championships and the Four Continents as qualifying events for the Worlds. It really makes no sense to have skaters coming from all over the world with coaches, team leaders, judges and federation officials just to skate 2,50 minutes and then go home.

With very few exceptions, the quality of the skating in all events was more than disappointing. Even the programs of the top skaters were filled with errors, and the judging was embarrassing, to say the least. Very sad!

In the pairs, the first place to Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy of Germany was questionable. They won the title but they were not the best in the field, in my opinion. They did not skate at their best. They were not perfect. They opened with an outstanding throw triple flip but on their second element, a triple toe-loop/ triple toe- loop sequence, Savchenko had a poor landing on the first jump, and then they messed up their side-by-side triple Salchows when he fell and she put both hands down to keep from falling as well. Through their program they skated with great intensity, in perfect unison, a bit slow. Despite the two important errors, the Germans received the highest Technical Score for the event and they also were scored highest in Personal Components. This, in my opinion as well as that of many other officials and journalists, was not correct. An Easter gift to the European Champions?

Canadians Jessica Dube and Bryce Davison placed second in the free skate and third overall. They skated an excellent program, technically strong , with beautiful lifts and throws. Their only error was a break forward on the landing of throw triple Lutz for which they received GoE points of -0.50. Their program was well constructed and beautifully choreographed to the music. They were passionate and elegant on the ice while interpreting the music with expression and heart. The best for me that evening. Still they earned only the second highest technical score and only fifth in Program Components! A farce.

The women's competition was expected to be a fight between the Japanese skaters and Yu-Na-Kim, winner of the Grand Prix final. But things went differently and Carolina Kostner upset the plans.

But here again the judging raised some questions.

In the short program, Yukari Nakano, from Japan, was the first of the top group to take the ice. She skated clean with all her GoEs, zero or more.  She landed triple flip/ double toe combination and triple Lutz.  Her spins were very good, fast and well centred and, except for a level 2 straight line step sequence, all elements were called level 3 and 4. She was scored third in Technical Score but only ninth in Program Components, with component marks in the mid sixes.

The next was Mao Asada , from Japan. She hit all of her jumps easily, seeming to fly above the ice before making her rotations. Her triple flip/triple loop combination, triple Lutz and double Axel were all gorgeous although she had an edge call in the triple Lutz.  Her spins and the spiral sequence were beautiful and, on the whole, she gave a lovely elegant performance.

Immediately after Asada was Carolina Kostner’s turn. She led off the program with a solid triple flip/ triple toe- loop combination but on her subsequent triple Lutz she stepped out of the landing.  Her spins were slow and not of the best quality, while she had a very attractive step sequence. Also her transitions were very poor. Waiting for the marks, I was discussing with some skating officials whether she would deserve the second or the third place when the marks were displayed and she was given the first place. We were all just stunned! This placing was definitely wrong! Being Italian, some thought I should be happy and proud for this result, but I was not. On the contrary, I was ashamed because I strongly believe that fairness towards the athletes, whatever their nationality may be, is essential for credibility of the sport. Mao Asada should have been first.. Although the difference between the two skaters was only a slim 1.12 point, the result was not correct. It was interesting to note that some of the judges of the Ladies’ panel agreed that this placement was wrong. Another Easter gift to the European Champion?

In the final free, only three skaters out of 24 performed "nearly" clean programs: Sarah Meier, from Switzerland ( she had a wrong take off in the triple Lutz) ; Yukari Nakano ( whose triple Axel and triple Flip were downgraded) and Yu-Na-Kim, although she had a small mistake in the landing of the triple Salchow. The rest of the skating was more or less a disaster.

Carolina Kostner placed third in the Free Skate and ended up second overall, missing the gold medal by only 0.88 points. She started off with a nicely executed triple flip /triple toe- loop/ double loop combination, but she put a hand down on the triple Lutz and had a step out of the triple flip.  Then she nearly fell on a triple Salchow/ double toe- loop combination.  Carolina also had a hand down on the toe- loop in the double Axel/ triple toe-loop combination, and was also scored slightly negative on a double Axel with an awkward landing.  Even with all these errors she was only 0.01 point behind Asada in technical score and only three points behind Kim.

Mao Asada’ s first jump was supposed to be a triple Axel. She had landed a perfect one during the warm up. She started off her program with speed and determination but as she approached the takeoff of the planned triple Axel, she leaned back, stumbled badly, slipped off the edge and went sliding across the ice towards the barrier. Her heart just stopped, and so did the hearts of the 8000 spectators. She got up and looked astonished but she pulled herself together, and with unbelievable determination she was able to perform an outstanding program. She has beautiful step sequences and spins and she is very expressive and artistic too. The fall on the Axel, however, was not her only error in the elements.  She had an edge call on the triple Lutz and a downgrade on the loop in  the triple flip/ triple loop combination.   Asada had the second best technical score, by 0.01 point over Carolina Kostner, while in Program Components she was scored best, with a total of 60.57 points.

Yu-Na Kim won the free skating with a splendid performance. She opened with a gorgeous triple flip/ triple toe- loop combination and landed a total of five triples, ending the program with a double Axel and a beautiful change foot combination spin. Her program was nearly clean. She only had a couple of minor errors: a poorly controlled landing on a triple Salchow and a singled planned triple Lutz. Her technique is pure and she moves beautifully on the ice. She is a joy to watch. In my opinion she was by far the best skater that night. Still, her marks in the components did not reflect this. Her total score was 58.56, just 0.4 ahead of Kostner and almost 1.03 less than Asada. Had she been marked correctly, although she was only fifth in the short program, she might have won the World title.

The Men's final went from tragic to sublime, all in the last group to skate. This just proves once more that there is no consistency in the performances of the competitors and that their success depends on the luck of the day.

The first skater to take the ice in the top group was Tomas Verner, the European Champion. The high point of his performance was an opening quad toe- loop on which he put his hand down -- the first of seven elements with errors.  In addition to the quad he landed two triple jumps, a triple Axel and a triple flip.  He fell on an attempt at a second quad toe-loop, was downgraded on a triple Axel, and singled three triple jumps. A miserable performance! Still, despite all these errors which completely disrupted the program, he received for Program Components 69.92 points , the sixth highest of the Free Skate.  How is it possible that he got marks in the seven in what we can call the "artistic" part of a program -- Performance/Execution, Choreography/Composition and Interpretation? With all these mistakes there was nothing left in that program. How could the judges give him 2.50 points more than Patrick Chan, from Canada, who, although with a couple of errors, skated beautifully and performed one of the most artistic programs of the night? One can only wonder what the panel of judges was watching during that performance. His free skate at the Europeans on their computer’s screen, perhaps? An even bigger Easter gift to the European Champion!

Next to skate was Johnny Weir, from the US. He opened with a quad toe- loop attempt.  The landing was two footed, and the jump downgraded.  This was the only element in the program with a major error. He had a couple of poor landings on a triple loop and on triple Lutz, and a solo triple flip had an edge call. Johnny started slowly and looked cautious, very tense. It was only after his second triple Axel that he started to look secure and skated the second half of the program confidently. Weir has an excellent technique, he skates on deep edges and has good running edges also in landing jumps as well as between jumps in combinations. He is one of the most elegant and artistic skaters. His component marks, though were in the mid sevens, and he was ranked only fifth best .

Weir was followed by Daisuke Takahashi, from Japan, who was third in the short, and one of the favourites for the gold.  Takahashi landed an outstanding high, clean opening quad toe- loop.  He then fell apart and made major errors on three jump elements. He fell on his second quad toe- loop attempt and had a near fall on one of two triple Axels.   He also had a major brain seizure near the end of his program by improvising a triple Lutz / double toe- loop combination which counted as a fourth combination/sequence and was given zero points. This probably cost him the bronze medal.  Despite the technical errors he skated with speed, and managed to keep the overall flow of the program.  He was scored third best in Program Components.  He ended up in fourth place, 1.73 points behind Weir.

Next to skate was Stephane Lambiel, from Switzerland, the 2005 and 2006 World Champion. He also made a mess of his program.  Five jump elements received negative GoEs .  He missed two quad toe- loop attempts, one of which was downgraded.  Triple Axel, loop and flip also had major errors.  This was another program where the errors disrupted the performance and yet the component marks remained in the mid to upper sevens for a total score of 75.72, the fourth best, ahead of Weir! Unbelievable.  

Lambiel was then followed by Brian Joubert.   Three quads were planned in the program but after landing the first one correctly, he left out the next two.  On his second element he executed triple Salchow instead of a quad and he replaced a second quad toe- loop with a triple flip / triple toe- loop combination, and his final combination, planned as triple Salchow / double toe- loop/ double loop, was replaced by double Axel / single toe- loop. Both the triple flips had edge calls.  Brian, probably thinking that Buttle could not win without a quad, dumbed down his program to a dangerous level. His program was well skated and he was given 79.36 points in Program Components, the highest of the event. Joubert was the leader in the overall score with only Buttle left to skate, and he surely must have thought the gold medal was his as he kissed the ice at the end of his performance.  But it was not going to be so.

Jeffrey Buttle. from Canada, took the ice and skated a clean program with eight triple jumps, including two triple Axels and a triple flip/ triple toe- loop combination. The quality of all his elements was superb as well as that of his skating. His total element score was an extraordinary 84.29 points more than 10 points more than Joubert, especially considering that it was achieved without a quad. Quality won over simple difficulty !!! His free program was very beautiful and appealing as well. At last a free skating that one would like to watch again and again. However in Program Components he was scored only second best, 0.58 points behind Joubert, and this is just ludicrous if not outrageous.

During the press conference following the event, Joubert expressed his disappointment at the result " because Jeffrey did the perfect combination but he didn’t try a quadruple jump. The scoring system has changed so much. It is better now to do simple and clean to try something difficult."

Joubert also expressed the opinion that we need to give more points for the quads, which is correct. The scale of values of the jumps should be totally revised. Still, Buttle fully deserved to be first in the technical score due to the quality of his skating and of all his elements. Even if the ISU leadership claims that in figure skating, being a sport, difficulty must prevail over quality and artistry, it would simply be suicidal for figure skating if one single jump, as difficult as it may be, could determine the overall result.

As Jeffrey said, "Figure skating is everything. It is not just about the jumps. I definitely feel like I earned the title and I am happy". And " I started skating because I watched Kurt Browning and Brian Orser. You remember the programs, not the elements. That's what I'm most passionate about". Correct, Jeffrey! And what appears very encouraging to me is that it seems that this is the prevailing philosophy also among the Canadian officials and coaches: Jessica Dube and Bryce Davison in pairs, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir in ice dancing, Joannie Rochette in ladies and, of course, Jeffrey Buttle in men are perfect examples. Definitely encouraging for our sport and a great comeback for Canada. Congratulations.

As to ice dancing, not being an expert, as is well known, I can only express an opinion as a spectator. Some programs were really outstanding, with beautiful and enjoyable skating . The one I preferred was that of the Canadians Virtue /Moir , followed by Delobel/ Shoenfelder and the Italians Federica Faiella and Massimo Scali.

With the World Championships the skating season comes to the end. As a general remark I would say that it is just depressing to see all these talented skaters, some of whom are real marvels, who are unable to perform at their best because they are required to execute elements beyond their capabilities just to get the highest possible number of points.

The music is just background noise to most skaters and the multitude of restrictive boundaries kill choreography as well as the development of a personal style and creativity in a sport where such elements are essential.


세계 피겨스케이트의 대모라 불리우는 소니아 비앙케티 여사의 이번 월드 챔피언쉽에 대한 소감 입니다.
석연치 못한 채점에 대해 특히 PCS 점수에 대해서 말하고 있습니다.
유럽선수들에 대해서는 후한 반면 비 유럽권 선수들에게는 가혹했던 PCS 점수...

파란색이 여자싱글에 대한 부분이고 초록색이 직접적으로 연아를 언급한 부분 입니다.
쇼트에서 1위를 한 카롤리나 코스트너에 대해서 그녀는 2~3위 정도를 예상했으며
당연히 아사다 마오가 1위가 되었어야 한다. 본인이 이탈리아 사람임에도 코스트너가
1위를 한것은 잘못된 채점이었으며 심판들 중 일부가 잘못된 것을 인정했다는 부분이 있습니다.

그리고 마지막 단락에서 소니아 여사는 연아에 대해서 이렇게 말하고 있습니다.
프리스케이팅에서 제대로 점수를 받았더라면 비록 쇼트에서는 5위에 그쳤지만 월드챔피언이 되었을거라고...

연아는 1등하기 위해 피겨를 하는것은 아니다며 훌훌 털어내는 모습을 보여줍니다.
팬들은 그 모습을 보면서도 가슴이 아픕니다.
물론 본인이 만족하는 퍼포먼스를 보여주는 것이 가장 중요하겠지만
제대로된 판정이 내려지지 못한것이 참 안타깝습니다.


김연아 2008 월드 갈라 - Only Hope

Figure Skating 2008. 3. 25. 13:20

작년 갈라였던 Reflection 하고 비슷한 느낌이지만

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